samedi 19 février 2011

General treatments: acne tablets cons

Many acne treatments may be prescribed by mouth against acne. We can cite among them:
*Antibiotics: it is often best to take during the evening meal with a glass of water. They indicate the sun-cons and require contraception among women. Example of antibiotics used in the treatment of acne: Doxy Granudoxy Mestacine Minoli Mynocine Spanor Tolexine Tetralysal Vibramycin Zacnan ...

* Vitamin A Acid (Contracne , Curacné , Procut , Roaccutane ) requires
     - taking a compulsory contraception continued 2 months after stopping treatment,
     - Avoid the sun,
     - Avoid antibiotics general type cyclins
     - and to avoid giving blood.

4 commentaires:

  1. I am surprised that there had been a tablet medicine that act as acne treatment. I am used to creams, topical lotions and serums. I bet this is prescription medicine.

  2. I've heard that chocolate can cause acne. I LOVE chocolate!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! pimples on scalp. But I have acne and I really want to know if I should stop eating it if it's causing problems for me.

  3. I have very sensitive skin. If i put on any acne treatments for my face it starts to burn and i get some weird color on my face. And I also started getting dry skin on my face. Know any good acne treatments? how2 pop a pimple

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