samedi 19 février 2011

The recommendations of care for acne

The majority of national and international recommendations for management of acne often have a common denominator:

- Acne or minor debutante: cosmetic treatments

- Acne predominantly retentional: Vitamin A acid: tretinoin, adapalene ... / skin cleansing>>> 3-month reassessment

- Acne mixed (and inflammatory lesions rétentionnelles): Vitamin A acid: Tretinoin, Adapalene ... + + Benzoyl Peroxide topical antibiotics>>> 3-month reassessment, if inefficient replacement of local antibiotic therapy with oral antibiotics

- severe or resistant acne more than 3 months treatment with antibiotics orally behaved well: discuss isotretinoin or Vitamin A Acid (Contracne, Curacné, Procut, Roaccutane)

General treatments: acne tablets cons

Many acne treatments may be prescribed by mouth against acne. We can cite among them:
*Antibiotics: it is often best to take during the evening meal with a glass of water. They indicate the sun-cons and require contraception among women. Example of antibiotics used in the treatment of acne: Doxy Granudoxy Mestacine Minoli Mynocine Spanor Tolexine Tetralysal Vibramycin Zacnan ...

* Vitamin A Acid (Contracne , Curacné , Procut , Roaccutane ) requires
     - taking a compulsory contraception continued 2 months after stopping treatment,
     - Avoid the sun,
     - Avoid antibiotics general type cyclins
     - and to avoid giving blood.

Local treatments: creams and lotions against acne

There are many creams and lotions treatments against acne. Among these are:

vendredi 18 février 2011

The treatment of acne

The treatment of acne begins with the eviction of Precipitating and aggravating factors of acne. Among these are:

- friction and prolonged contact with the hair (lock of hair on the forehead or cheeks ...), helmet, cap ...
- exposure to sunlight, which is a false friend because sometimes improves acne, but this improvement is always temporary
- The manipulation of buttons

In women, the treatment of acne often goes by a hormonal balance (especially in case of irregular periods, facial hair growth ...) and hormone therapy:

- contraception is mandatory in many acne treatments

- some contraceptives may improve acne, such as those based on cyproterone acetate (Androcur, Diane Pills, Holgyeme ...) or norgestimate (Jasmine Yasminelle ...)

- conversely, some contraceptives can aggravate acne, especially those containing levonorgestrel (ADEPALE, Daily Ge, Microval, Minidril, Mirena IUD, Trinordiol ...)